At an extraordinary meeting of Warminster Town Council on February 13, Wiltshire Councillor Tony Jackson congratulated the town council on an ‘exciting and community promoting initiative’.

He said the redevelopment of the tennis courts had three potential community benefits: the resurrection of Warminster Tennis Club, the development of coaching facilities via Warminster School Partnership, and the introduction of the new and growing sport Padel.

He said there were other benefits, too and welcomed and fully endorsed the plan. He urged councillors to support the refurbishment. Members discussed the refurbishment, including additional information officers had received about the fencing. The Lawn Tennis Association would normally provide – roll weld mesh and plastic-coated fencing. Still, the improved fencing in the scheme was the more robust standard sports fencing (green panels), the same as the existing one in the Multi-Use Games Area.

The fencing cost had not been included and was estimated to bring the town councils’ contribution to about £113,000, still less than half the refurbishment cost.

Members delegated council officers to sign agreements with the LTA and Blakedown Sports to proceed with the refurbishment of the tennis courts, the MUGA and associated works.

The budget for the council’s contribution to the scheme was £120,000, including contingencies, from available section 106 contributions with any needed beyond that or to forward fund the scheme from the Earmarked Reserves Tennis Courts and the Earmarked Reserves Capital Projects.