As part of Religious Education Day at Wylye Valley C of E Primary School, Codford, Year 5 and 6 Newton Class pupils asked ‘The Big Question’ in relation to ‘The Big Story’ and the concept of ‘incarnation’.

Led by Helen Thornton, the children looked at evidence from the Bible, the Jewish holy book, and history, to try and answer the question: ‘Was Jesus the Messiah?’. They looked at what qualities a Saviour might have, what Jesus is alleged to have done and said throughout his life (according to the New Testament) and compared them with the prophesies in the Old Testament.

As part of the investigation, the children were split into groups and set a challenge to make a short TV report entitled ‘Is Jesus the Messiah’, in the style of Newsround, the popular current affairs show for children.

Naturally, the task was greeted with great enthusiasm and after two days of research, scriptwriting, editing and video-recording the children came up with reports, complete with question-and-answer sessions afterwards.

“I was impressed with the way the children took on this investigative challenge and at how they gave it a very 21st Century twist,” said Helen. Year 5 pupil, Philippa, said: “It was really fun because you had to work together to create a really good piece of writing and then present it to the class.”

Lynn Blood, teaching assistant, added: “It was lovely to see the children thinking more deeply about ‘The Big Question’ and apply their learning in such an innovative and exciting way.”