Only we’re not in the Guildhall, are we? Everyone’s at home in their kitchens, with laptops at the ready, it being lockdown time. Next Monday’s full council’s the same. And it seems they’re prepared to go on like this until pretty much next year if necessary.

Was it really just a year ago they announced their intention to make Salisbury carbon neutral by June, 2020, and agreed to donate £56K  to promoting more cycling and walking, reducing vehicle emissions and supporting public transport as well as spending £10K on tree planting? Okay, they can be forgiven for not having achieved everything they set out to do, considering all the coronavirus-related problems, but perhaps they might have another think about what’s going to happen if they go ahead with their plan to make the centre of the city largely traffic free.

I mean, where are all the cars going to go? Aren’t they going to fill up the narrow back streets already clogged with vehicles having to park on pavements, especially when they’re having to queue? Have they asked those residents who live near the station end of Fisherton Street what they think?  I don’t think their plan to plant more trees is going to do much for that part of town.

Still, they have their Environmental Policy Action Plan which involves assessing their waste management policies and they’re still hoping they can organise a car free day in September.

Then there are 35 detailed items listed for their proposed Charter Market Regulations. It’s only a draft list at the moment but makes interesting reading.

Finally, someone’s discovered a possible source of extra income for the council. It’s pet burials and cremations, and apparently, it can be quite lucrative.

They’re going to investigate.

It’s 7.15. The meeting’s lasted 45 minutes.

Time to go home. Oops, sorry. Of course we are at home, aren’t we?
