Among local councils setting their own targets to tackle climate change and global warming, at the end of this financial year. Wiltshire Council plans to cut its carbon footprint by 80% from its 2014/15 emissions.

This is a carbon reduction of 68% on 2018/19 emissions when the council declared a climate emergency and set a target to make Wiltshire carbon neutral by 2030.

The council said the projection was based on changes its services have made in the way they operate and it could fully assess progress – and whether it has reached or exceeded the projected 80% reduction – in the Summer.

Measures that the council has taken to reduce its carbon emissions, include:

A switch to a green energy tariff, which ensures all energy the council uses comes from renewable sources and can now be classed as carbon neutral, with significant immediate progress towards reducing council emissions.

Wiltshire’s Conservation and Museums Advisory Service (CMAS), based at the Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre, has a Sustainability Action Plan for its laboratory-based conservation services.

A Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy will inform and support implementation of policies within the Local Plan, particularly in terms of improvements to the natural environment and biodiversity within Wiltshire.

By improving biodiversity in Wiltshire, the council’s wildflower trials on highway verges and amenity land, and will be extended if successful. In the trial areas, cuts have been reduced from nine annually to two, avoiding the main flowering period from mid-May through to the end of August. Over time this will help to develop a short, flower-rich turf that is valuable for bees and other insects. Clippings are collected after each cut to reduce the build-up of organic material, to keep nutrient levels low, and ensure plenty of room for plants to regenerate from seed.

The council received a grant of £671,000 to improve bus services or bring back services. A consultation exercise will be repeated in the Summer.

The council’s £12m programme to convert street lights in Wiltshire to LEDs continues, with about 20,000 units replaced so far out of 42,000. Since 2013/14, energy consumption has been reduced by 39% by part-night lighting, dimming and LEDs for new and replacement units. Carbon emissions have more than halved despite more street lights installed as new developments are built.

The council is also bidding for government funding for several schemes to help reduce carbon emissions.