New Valley News wants to make sure its readers can follow the fashion in wallpaper.

A representative from I Want Wallpaper said: “We examined Google data from the beginning of the year to see which wallpaper styles had the biggest increase in UK searches heading into 2021. We saw a 314% increase in searches from January, 2020, into 2021 in 3D style wallpaper. Toile was closely followed by Tropical wallpaper.

“We are looking for creative ways to make our small spaces feel bigger. Giant wall murals create an infinite effect, which creates a feeling of depth. Expect to see geometric tunnels, cityscapes and forests adorning more walls.

“There is a throwback to a traditionally- French 18th century style in which figures and landscapes were printed onto canvas, toile has looped around from old-fashioned and we’re seeing modern versions of the wallpaper more popular as homeowners look for ways to tell stories through their spaces.

“Since we have been unable to travel this year, many homeowners have sought ways to bring their holidays into the home instead. Invigorating tropical styles – rich deep rainforest and jungle patterns – are a shorthand way to bring the world to you, while also suggesting a sense of the natural world which, for many in towns and cities, has felt very distant this year.” Based on Rising Google Search Data during 2020.