Your school’s library will have a massive impact on student learning. When students want to revise, they will go there. Books, computers, and tablets need to be immediately available. Some students are not fortunate enough to have access to the internet at home, so computer availability means they can still work on assignments and study. Organizing a library can be difficult though, especially if you have never had to before. This post hopes to make the process a little simpler, which it will do by offering seven pieces of advice that you can use to enhance your school’s library.

1. Proper Equipment

You need to make sure that in your school’s library, students have access to proper equipment, i.e., ergonomic chairs and desks. An investment worth making if you care about student comfort is ergonomic study carrels for schools, which gives students somewhere to focus on their work without interruption. In addition to comfortable chairs and desks, make sure that your students have access to the latest technology, i.e., computers, pads, and laptops. Many students do not have their own computers at home. Since a lot of work is done online nowadays, you need to make sure that students can access computers in your library. If you do not have enough money to fill your library with the latest technology, you may be eligible for a school grant. School grants cover the costs of technology and other classroom equipment.

2. Internet Connection

An internet connection is essential if you want to ensure that students actually benefit from your library. However, make sure that you impose blocks and restrictions, preventing students from being able to access unsafe, inappropriate content. Kids are curious. If you give them unrestricted access to the internet, they are going to find something they shouldn’t. You also need to make sure that you invest in professional IT support. Your school needs its own managed servers, ideally run by an experienced team of professionals. In addition to finding unsafe materials, kids are bound to encounter viruses. Viruses can break your school computers. Managed IT support will be able to keep your computers working properly, preventing them from deteriorating or becoming infected with viruses. You can hire a support team to work within your school or outsource your IT needs.

3. Lots of Books

In your school library, there needs to be lots of books. A lot of work is done online today, but you still need to teach children the importance of books. Books are permanent whereas the Internet could go down any day. Make sure that the books you stock are relevant to the work that your students are doing. For example, if you have an economics class in your school, make sure you have lots of economics books. Be sure to also include teen fiction books.  Teen fiction books are many young people’s first introduction to literature. Do your research and find out what the most popular books for young people are so that you can stock them. The Goosebump series is always a good investment. The Twilight and Harry Potter books are great investments too. You can buy bulk books online or get them given to you for free as part of a learning grant.

In your library, you also need to make sure that students can order books that they want. Some schools allow this, and others don’t. A good way to ensure that you can order books is to partner with other libraries in your area. Of course, if a book is inappropriate, it should not be ordered. Each requested book should be vetted by the staff you have in your library. Ensure you have dedicated librarians working in the library at your school also. A recruitment agency will help you to find such individuals.

4. Comfortable Arrangement

Make sure that your school library is arranged with comfort in mind. After all, school libraries are not just places for learning. They’re also places where young people go to get away and find some peace and quiet in the midst of busy schoolyards and classrooms. Some students prefer to spend all of their time in the library. Buying comfortable chairs for children to lounge around on will help them to feel more at home in the library. Making your school’s library a comfortable, relaxing place is one of the best things you can do for their mental health. Teaching children to find their own places of reflection and relaxation from a young age is important as it can help them to become more mature, healthy adults. If you are unsure how to design your library in a way that makes it comfortable, consider enlisting professional support.

5. Constant Support

In your school’s library, you need to make sure that there are staff present at all times to provide constant support. Since many students turn to libraries so that they can work through issues they are having, due to the relaxing nature of libraries, you might also want to run mental health workshops there. More and more doctors and healthcare providers are focusing on the mental health of young people. For a long time, it has been largely ignored. If you are going to run mental health workshops, make sure that you hire experts who specialize in the mental health of young people.

6. Relaxing Space

Make sure that you carve out a section of your library and devote it to relaxation. Ensure that nobody who’s in the library to cause trouble or talk loudly goes there. You can do this by signposting this area. Cultivating a relaxing space will contribute toward student wellness. You also need to make sure that there is a section exclusively for studying. Some libraries also include spaces for students to quietly eat their lunch. Not everybody enjoys eating in the cafeteria. Having a relaxing space to unwind and eat in can be a great way to improve students’ lives and experiences in school.

You need to make sure your library is professionally designed and decked out with the latest technology. Hopefully, the guidance given here will help you to do that. Any queries or concerns you have can be directed to a professional librarian who will be able to assist you.

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