It’s often heard: “I don’t want to read and I’m no good at English.” But with imagination, guidance, and confidence this young man, went on to pursue an academic career.

Engagement and enjoyment are the keys to achieving success. If a pupil is constantly marked down, the confidence in the subject goes. Such is the philosophy of Clare Price. LGSM, ALAM, SRD. The speech teacher and examiner teaches English online, not only to children, but adults too – and examinations are taken in this field if requested.

Given an aim and plenty of support, anyone can achieve their personal goal, said Clare. Clare ran a studio in London for 30 years, but her home has always been in Wiltshire.

“I originally started in Devizes Town Hall and since then have taught at many well-known schools, state and public, directing courses for businesses and running my London private studio. With my colleague, we teach all aspects of English; written, literature and also the spoken word.

Teaching online has been a creative journey for us over the recent months, but with pupils in London wishing to continue classes this way, we have decided to open doors to others who might benefit here in Wiltshire.”

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